May: December 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
[ Boogie Boogie 11:23 AM ]

Western Australia Trip - Nov'07


Swan Bell Towers in Perth City

Fremantle Habour

Busselton Jetty

Random sunset/beach pics.. Been to too many beaches... Can't name all...

Me @ Caversham Wildlife Park..

This Kangaroo doesn't like taking pic with me... he gave me a black face...
LOL his face is black one lah


Lazy Wombat

Din took much pics at Winery cos the place is damn classy haha

Me @ Voyager Winery

Typical OZ roadsigns

Me with a cute Kangaroo Bag

Our rented car - 1.8L Toyota Hatchback

Random food pics....

Very delicious Pork Shank at Swan Valley

Wagyu Beef Sausage.. Yummy!

Simple irresistible fresh oysters... we had 1 dozen for breakfast :p